21 May 2011

my 1st karya :p

this wud be my first tym blogging..erkk..btol ke terms tu..hantam jelah :p
tgk org ber blogging, i pon mcm teringin gk..hehehhe..i ske bercerita n melalot-lalot.. ;)
hemm..since im still new, xtau nk story ape sgt..home page pon xsmpt nk ber deko2 yg cun2 lg..hehehe..bdk baru belajar..kalo salah tlg tnjokk kn :)
btw, Credit to my lovely cousin, sis ayu, http://insert-takeout.blogspot.com/..die yg ajar ber blogger2 ni..hehehe..
okay, ada masa jmpe lg :))


  1. peeewwwiiitt!!! kak ira ada blog! congrats! welcome to the club! hehehhe :)

  2. Hahhahaah..ala, baru je jinak2....bkn hebat sgt pon nk berayat2 :p
    saje je nk try..kalo sala tlg aja ye :DD
